1. Setting the exposure using the histogram

The camera’s LCD screen might be a good way to tell if what you’re doing is right, but it’s not entirely reliable in conditions like harsh sunlight. The best way to tell if your exposure is correct is by consulting the histogram. Learn how to read it and make the necessary adjustments and until it indicates a proper exposure.

2. RAW

Most cameras produce high quality jpgs, yet they’re still no match for RAW files. The downside to the jpg format is that it’s a compressed file. Not all the information that should be there is present. Color, contrast and detail are all affected by this compression. To put simpler, shooting in RAW format will give you access to the full capabilities of your camera.

3. Selecting focusing points manually

Your camera has the option of selecting the autofocus points for you, but it can’t always anticipate correctly. That’s why learning to change the AF points manually is a useful skill.

4. Learn all AF modes

Most cameras come with different autofocus modes like One-shot AF, Servo AF and AI Autofocus. All of these modes have different uses, depending on subject and situation. The one-shot mode will stop refocusing once it’s locked onto the subject. It will remain locked as long as you hold your finger on the shutter release, half pressed. AI- Servo AF mode won’t lock the focus and it will constantly refocus. It is a great focusing mode for sports and other fast-moving subjects. AI focus will automatically from one -shot to Servo if it detects movement in the frame. This is a very brief explanation of AF modes. It’s best to read your camera’s manual and to experiment with all of them.

5. Aperture Priority

In aperture priority mode, your camera will vary the exposure settings depending on the aperture value you set. Having complete control over aperture means control over depth of field. This is a great setting for shooting portraits with a blurred background.

6. Shutter Priority

The shutter priority mode works just like aperture priority, in the sense that it gives you complete control over shutter speed while making all the other settings automatically, according to the selected value. This is a great setting for situations where you don’t want the shutter speed to go over or under a specific value.

7. Control motion blur

Motion blur often comes from using a shutter speed that is too slow for holding the camera in your hands. Every photographer has a maximum low speed they can use. For some it’s 1/60th, but others can shoot handheld at 1/8th. It’s a question of practice.

8. Manual White Balance

All digital cameras have a few white balance presets. While they can do a fairly decent job, we recommend learning to set white balance manually, according to each lighting situation.

9. Drive Modes

The first mode obviously allows you to shoot one frame at a time. It great for studio work or when shooting anything you have complete control over. CL is great for portraits when you have an expressive model and don’t want to miss any interesting faces. CH is the shooting mode for sports, wildlife and anything that moves fast. Essentially, there are three of them: single shot, continuous low and continuous high.

10. ISO

Learn how to select the correct ISO value depending on the lighting conditions. Lower values are great when there is plenty of light to work with. Higher ISO values are needed for working in low light.

11. Auto-ISO

We’re generally not fond of any auto setting, but auto ISO will help you when shooting handheld. It will increase or decrease the value in order to allow you to shoot with a shutter speed fast enough for handheld operation.

12. Exposure compensation

It is a +/- scale that will tell your camera to increase or decrease exposure, depending on your needs. It works for all semi-automatic modes (P, Av, TV) and will influence exposure in increments.

13. Manual exposure

The last stage of learning how to use your camera’s settings is full manual control. You can’t call yourself a real photographer until you’ve learned to control every little setting on your camera.

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